Losing weight can be a struggle no matter what type of dietary approach you take, but more and more research shows that certain plant-based meals may help you shed the pounds more quickly when they come from whole, natural foods ...
Losing weight can be a struggle no matter what type of dietary approach you take, but more and more research shows that certain plant-based meals may help you shed the pounds more quickly when they come from whole, natural foods ...
Everyone is looking to add more protein to their diet these days, but most protein-rich meal ideas out there feature large amounts of meat, eggs, or dairy that perhaps you’re looking to avoid. Eating less animal sources of protein does ...
It almost seems to good to be true that food remedies for depression may actually exist, but they are more common than most people realize and often overlooked due to large amounts of prescription drugs available for the treatment of ...
Acne is one of the most common skin issues that people of all many different ages struggle with, and the reasons for developing acne range from dietary to hormonal causes. This makes acne one of the hardest skin issues to ...
A few years ago, an ingredient in food (and other products which we’ll get to in a minute) known as carrageenan basically became the new gluten and sugar of modern day life. Everyone is terrified of carrageenan food products now ...
If there’s one healthy fat source that remains to be controversial in today’s nutrition recommendations among professionals and individuals, it’s coconut oil, coconut butter, and most anything else made with the popular tropical fruit. Some doctors say we should stay ...
Most everyone drinks at least one cup of coffee a day, and sadly, most of those people are likely adding ingredients to their coffee that demote their health. Sugar, full-fat cream made with conventional dairy milk, butter, or creamers made ...
Healthier and fuller hair is something most everyone wants, and there are many ways to improve not only the look of your hair but also how thick and healthy your hair is on an overall basis with some simple health and ...
Salad dressing is one of the top condiments that prevent you from reaching your weight loss or health goals depending on what’s in it. Many salad dressings on the market contain unhealthy oils, sugar, preservatives, and high levels of sodium—most ...
Being broke without enough funds each week stinks on so many levels, and when it starts to affect your grocery budget, food can suddenly seem incredibly bleak and boring. If you’re interested in health or trying to eat a more ...
Hi, I’m Mike. One of my biggest passions in life is nutrition, and after getting my Personal Trainer Certification and Fitness Nutrition Certification from ISSA, I wanted to create a site where I could help readers live a healthy and nutritious life. I believe we control our destiny, and we can choose to live a long and healthy life by eating right and treating our bodies with respect.