Calcium is one of the most coveted nutrients of all ages and it’s also one of the most misunderstood by the general public leading people to think that dairy-free sources of calcium aren’t the best option. Unfortunately, the food industry ...
Calcium is one of the most coveted nutrients of all ages and it’s also one of the most misunderstood by the general public leading people to think that dairy-free sources of calcium aren’t the best option. Unfortunately, the food industry ...
A vegetarian diet, or plant-based diet, is becoming one of the most popular styles of living and eating today. Not only is it alluring to many because of it’s promises to manage weight but also because it has been shown ...
Raw, vegan, Paleo, If it Fits Your Macros (IIFYM), fruit-based, Weight Watchers, low-carb, high-carb, low-fat, high-fat, Atkins, Mediterranean, plant-based, macrobiotics, and intuitive eating are all styles of eating practiced by people all over the world. There are cookbooks, nutrition books, ...
The Paleo diet is one of the most popular styles of eating to date and is no longer thought of as only a diet, but it’s now also considered to be an optimal way of living and is used for ...
Starting your day off with a healthy breakfast can change your life when it comes to improving your health and weight naturally without going on a diet. Eating something nutrient-dense first thing in the morning also provides you with substantial ...
If you are looking to put on some lean muscle mass and build strength, there are certain foods you’ll want to eat and ones you’ll want to avoid along with exercises you’ll need to do and lifestyle strategies you’ll benefit ...
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and while that may certainly be true, it’s also a known fact that you can enhance your own beauty and reduce the signs of aging directly through the foods you ...
If you hang out in nutrition and fitness circles like I do, you’ll come across all sorts of interesting recommendations. Practically everyone has their own personal miracle drug or perfect natural supplement to make their workouts easier. One of these ...
If you’re looking to lose weight quickly, there are a number of things you’ll need to do in order to reach optimal weight loss results without harming your health. But the good news is, you don’t need to exercise two ...
When it comes to weight loss, it’s most important to eat a variety of whole, naturally slimming foods to help you fight bloating the natural way. However, not all foods help reduce bloat, even if they’re natural. And while many ...
Hi, I’m Mike. One of my biggest passions in life is nutrition, and after getting my Personal Trainer Certification and Fitness Nutrition Certification from ISSA, I wanted to create a site where I could help readers live a healthy and nutritious life. I believe we control our destiny, and we can choose to live a long and healthy life by eating right and treating our bodies with respect.