Herbal remedies are making a comeback in a big way. People everywhere are becoming more interested in learning about cures that come from nature but are backed by science. Case in point today: my interest in the herbal supplement called ...
Herbal remedies are making a comeback in a big way. People everywhere are becoming more interested in learning about cures that come from nature but are backed by science. Case in point today: my interest in the herbal supplement called ...
Did you know that almonds are actually seeds, and not nuts? This reminds me of the whole tomato thing. I’m sure you know, but tomato is a fruit, not a vegetable. It’s just the scientific classification versus how it is ...
If you haven’t heard of probiotics yet, where have you been hiding? After all, the commercial probiotics trade is a rapidly growing industry, with global annual sales expected to reach a staggering $42 billion in 2016. Who knew bottled bacteria ...
Our hormones play a vital role in helping our whole body run effectively so if we have a hormonal imbalance, our overall health is affected big time. While we have many, many hormones at work inside of us, the ones ...
After eating these sweet and herby berries, you’d never think they were related to tobacco. Thankfully, they’re much healthier than their deadly cousin. Goji berries have only burst onto the health food scene in recent years but their unique flavor ...
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition affecting between 1 in 10 and 1 in 20 women of childbearing age. This condition causes the body’s hormones to become unbalanced, leading to issues like ovarian cysts, increased hair growth on the ...
A true superfood, fish is one of the healthiest things you can use to fuel your body. It’s chock full of essential nutrients that are hard to find elsewhere, and is a great source of high quality protein and healthy ...
Snacking between meals has something of a bad reputation. But I’m a big fan of snacking – I wouldn’t have enough energy to get through my busy day if I didn’t have a snack or two. And snacking doesn’t just ...
If you’ve been recently diagnosed with celiac disease, you probably have a lot of questions. The most pressing one will likely be, “Do I have to go gluten free for life?” Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Life is already pretty ...
Water, and its health benefits, are so amazing that I’m convinced it’s the elixir of life, that mythical potion that is said to grant the drinker eternal youth. Okay, maybe I’m going a little overboard, but water is vital for ...
Hi, I’m Mike. One of my biggest passions in life is nutrition, and after getting my Personal Trainer Certification and Fitness Nutrition Certification from ISSA, I wanted to create a site where I could help readers live a healthy and nutritious life. I believe we control our destiny, and we can choose to live a long and healthy life by eating right and treating our bodies with respect.