We all know that we should eat our fruits and veggies, and many of us also know the importance of eating whole grains for optimal health. But do you know the importance of nuts and seeds and how they can ...
We all know that we should eat our fruits and veggies, and many of us also know the importance of eating whole grains for optimal health. But do you know the importance of nuts and seeds and how they can ...
Gluten-free diets are all the rage these days with many people adhering to them for serious health reasons and others for the belief that it will help them lose weight or avoid unhealthy foods. But is this really necessary and ...
High blood pressure can cause anxiety, nervousness, heart problems, and even lead to heart disease and chronic hypertension. The foods you eat dramatically impact how healthy your blood pressures are; medications will also affect this area of your health too. ...
What if the one thing that could help you lose weight the most quickly was right under your fingertips? That may be the very case with high-sodium diets and why they undermine even our best attempts at losing weight. Everyone ...
You probably already know that eating excess sugar isn’t the most optimal way to improve your health, but do you know why you should really stop eating sugar? Sugar is one of the most controversial ingredients in our food supply ...
If you’re looking to get pregnant anytime soon, you’re probably aware that optimizing your health will be important during both conception stages as well as the pregnancy itself. Many women are given recommendations by their doctors on how to care ...
Matcha tea is the new “it” drink to consume by individuals of all ages, but matcha is well-known for more than just its trendy green glow. Matcha is an incredible source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and chlorophyll that make it ...
Let’s face it: we all love to give our pets treats from time to time, and many pets regularly get fed table scraps at lunch and dinner. However, our pets’ health is just as important as our own health and ...
Disease and diet were once thought to be two completely separate issues. Now we know that’s not the case at all, and that it’s very true that diet can have a dramatic effect on the progression or remission of many ...
Have you ever tried to get your kids to eat more fruits and veggies without success? This is a common problem many parents have and nothing to be initially concerned with, but it’s something you should also aim to work ...
Hi, I’m Mike. One of my biggest passions in life is nutrition, and after getting my Personal Trainer Certification and Fitness Nutrition Certification from ISSA, I wanted to create a site where I could help readers live a healthy and nutritious life. I believe we control our destiny, and we can choose to live a long and healthy life by eating right and treating our bodies with respect.