I’ve talked in the past about the paleo diet. While I really love what it sets out to do, like all other diets, I think it has a few issues. One of the most difficult aspects of paleo is figuring ...
I’ve talked in the past about the paleo diet. While I really love what it sets out to do, like all other diets, I think it has a few issues. One of the most difficult aspects of paleo is figuring ...
From the beginning, let’s be clear: the low residue diet is not some trendy, fad diet promising to help you lose weight. This diet is intense, and is used for a very specific purpose. The low residue diet is carefully ...
If you aren’t a vegetarian or a vegan, you probably come across something called “processed meat” on a regular basis. And whether you eat it or not may make a big difference in your health. These meats are everywhere, as ...
It’s true, Americans eat way too much salt. But even if you’re trying to wise up to the sodium content of your foods, by cutting out the stuff you know has a lot of salt like crackers, pretzels, or potato ...
Broccoli is one of those foods you either loved or hated when you were a child. Some kids can’t even stand the sight of the weird, tree-like little veggies; others eat them with gusto. Thankfully, I was part of the ...
Although I could not live a completely vegan lifestyle, I have a lot of respect for the vegan diet. If you’re a regular subscriber to this site, you’ve probably already read my article titled: Does Being a Vegan Truly Make ...
Our hormones play a vital role in helping our whole body run effectively so if we have a hormonal imbalance, our overall health is affected big time. While we have many, many hormones at work inside of us, the ones ...
After eating these sweet and herby berries, you’d never think they were related to tobacco. Thankfully, they’re much healthier than their deadly cousin. Goji berries have only burst onto the health food scene in recent years but their unique flavor ...
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition affecting between 1 in 10 and 1 in 20 women of childbearing age. This condition causes the body’s hormones to become unbalanced, leading to issues like ovarian cysts, increased hair growth on the ...
A true superfood, fish is one of the healthiest things you can use to fuel your body. It’s chock full of essential nutrients that are hard to find elsewhere, and is a great source of high quality protein and healthy ...
Hi, I’m Mike. One of my biggest passions in life is nutrition, and after getting my Personal Trainer Certification and Fitness Nutrition Certification from ISSA, I wanted to create a site where I could help readers live a healthy and nutritious life. I believe we control our destiny, and we can choose to live a long and healthy life by eating right and treating our bodies with respect.