Berries are some of the best fruits you can eat for overall health and, among them, blueberries are king. These wonder-berries are believed to have been sacred to Native Americans and were used medicinally as a cough syrup and to ...
Berries are some of the best fruits you can eat for overall health and, among them, blueberries are king. These wonder-berries are believed to have been sacred to Native Americans and were used medicinally as a cough syrup and to ...
One thing I always encounter with clients and people who read this site is a desire for healthy, diabetic friendly recipes and meal plans. Even though I don’t have diabetes, I understand how frustrating it can be to constantly monitor ...
No, a ‘fatty liver diet’ does not mean you can exclusively eat the controversial delicacy of foie gras. It’s a way of eating to manage or prevent fatty liver disease – a common condition that affects up to 90 million ...
Have you ever eaten dinner with someone who smothers their wilted veggies in hot cheese or butter? Or orders their food so blackened you hardly think there’s anything left but carcinogens? When I sit across people like this, I always ...
If you’re following a healthy eating plan and making sure to get enough exercise, you’re probably at a loss for why you’re not feeling as good as you should be. I run into clients all the time who tell me ...
Milk is something you probably don’t spend too much time thinking about. When you walk through the dairy aisle in your local grocery store, you likely just grab the jug or carton you’ve always bought and rarely think twice. But ...
Before sugar became the enemy, and even before low-fat options were chief offenders, doctors and nutritionists waged war on salt. Why? Because heart disease is the leading cause of death in developed countries. And since salt increases blood pressure, and ...
Coconut water is getting some serious attention lately. Fortunately, it deserves all of its praise. Long touted for its health benefits in its home in tropical countries where it’s available all over the place (literally growing on trees). And more ...
You may have heard how great dark chocolate is. You may even have used its reported health benefits to give yourself permission to tuck into a giant slab of chocolate every so often. After all, how great is it to ...
Raise your hand if you avoid soda, candy, and high fructose corn syrup? Everyone, right? I wish I could see all your hands raising right now. By now, we know to avoid this kind of sugar because we’ve learned how ...
Hi, I’m Mike. One of my biggest passions in life is nutrition, and after getting my Personal Trainer Certification and Fitness Nutrition Certification from ISSA, I wanted to create a site where I could help readers live a healthy and nutritious life. I believe we control our destiny, and we can choose to live a long and healthy life by eating right and treating our bodies with respect.